South Georgia Laundry, owned by JB and Christine Andrews, is a thriving business that the couple purchased in 2022. Alongside Gina Woodward at the SBDC, they navigated the complexities of purchasing a business in this industry and successfully overcame many a delay and unexpected roadblock. The Andrews' dedication to quality and their love for people have contributed to the success and growth of their venture, making them an integral space in the local community that relies on them for a necessary service.
When did you start your business/ year started?
We purchased South Georgia Laundry in October of 2022. We decided to purchase this business because we were looking for something to keep us busy after I (JB) retired. We looked at a bunch of different options but eventually realized that this business would allow us to invest in ourselves as well as the community that it serves.
What is your favorite memory in the business?
One of the things we love is how wonderful this community is. We kind of had a rough start due to the flooding last summer. Wen we had to close the laundromat for two weeks for clean-up, we had people we didn’t even know show up and help us. In return, we find ways to give back to the community and started a program called “Laundry Love” where everything is free for a couple hours once a month. We love doing that.
What is the most rewarding part of running a small business?
We always try to keep good track of what’s working at the laundromat and what’s not. JB is analytical and a planner through and through, so it’s rewarding when we see something we want or need to change, make a plan, implement it, and it works! It’s really rewarding, we’re like “maybe we do know what we’re doing.”
What is the hardest part of running a small business?
The fact that it's 24/7. Even when it’s not open, we’re worried about the building or whether people will show up when we open the door tomorrow. It never turns off, that’s that hardest part.
How does the business get to positively impact your community?
Everybody has dirty linens, dirty clothes, things they need to clean but not everyone has access in their homes to do things like that. So it gives me a sense of pride to provide a clean, family friendly environment for people to come take care of those things and feel pride in their appearance. People come here to a comfortable environment where they can bring their kids and let them play safely while they do laundry.
What tips do have for others wanting to start a small business?
Don’t get in a rush, have patience and try to have more money than you think you need. Be willing to spend a lot more time and money than you think! You’re the owner of the business so it all ties back to you, you create the tone, the mood, if there’s a problem it’s up to you to fix it.