As a child, Billy Robbins wanted to be a doctor when he grew up so that he could help people. Billy and his wife, Brittainy, are doing just that. They opened Robbins Nest Assisted Living, LLC in Borger, Texas to give back to the community in which they grew up. Brittainy has a heart and passion for caring for seniors and has been involved in long-term care for 17 years. Their mission is to maximize the quality of life of seniors in need of assisted living by providing a personalized, high-quality care facility that promotes a safe, healthy, and caring environment.
Their America’s SBDC at WT consultant, Shane Groff, helped them through the process of looking at SBA funding options. He was also able to review their financial plans, business plans, and marketing research. Billy has some sage advice for anyone looking to open their own small business. “Do your research, do what you love, and don't quit! I think many small businesses that fail have a tendency to go into it with just the idea of making a quick dollar. Some of the most successful small businesses are ones that have a passion for what they do, did their research on the market, and never gave up when times were tough.”
Marketing to the right audience to admit the residents their business is completely dependent on has been their biggest challenge. We also asked them what the most satisfying moment in business has been so far, and their reply was, “The day that we admitted our first resident would probably be the most satisfying at this moment. We did a lot of work and research prior to that, and to see all of it come together and move someone into our building was surreal and exciting.”
We also asked them a couple of fun questions.
What is your favorite song or artist to blast when you're driving?
I listen to all sorts of music. My favorite artist is probably Andrew Peterson at the moment.
What motivates you?
The desire to help people still motivates me every day. Whether that is my day job as an IT professional, as one of the pastors in my church, or being the owner of an assisted living facility. I love getting to be a part of helping people!​